Galeria de vídeos

CRAHI Video corporatiu

Projectes europeus

GOBEYOND Kick-off meeting

Projectes europeus

ANYWHERE: a new paradigm in climate emergency management

Projectes europeus

ANYWHERE Project: innovating the management of weather emergencies

Projectes europeus

ANYWHERE, EnhANcing emergencY management and response to extreme WeatHER and climate Events

Projectes europeus

ANYWHERE: An user driven innovation action

Projectes europeus

ANYWHERE: a paradigm change to face extreme weather

Ciència ciutadana

Campanya #CarreteraNevada

Projectes europeus

ERICHA: Supporting Civil Protections to manage hazards induced by heavy rainfall in Europe

Projectes europeus

EDHIT: Forecasting rainfall and lightning induced hazards in Europe

Projectes europeus

HAREN: Do you want to know if it will rain in a few hours?

Projectes europeus

Flash Floods Early Warnings: The IMPRINTS Platform of advanced tools

Projectes europeus

IMPRINTS: Flash Floods: Living with the risk

Projectes nacionals

Experiment Rainscanner@Barcelona